Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Why is Getting High Cheaper than Going to the Movies?

Recently I have noticed that getting high is so much cheaper than going to the movies. For $20 you can buy a dub and get 4-5 people high but to take that many people to the movies you pay almost if not more than $100.
 $8.00 for 4 tickets= $32.00
$6.00 for 2 combo popcorn and sodas=$12.00
TOTAL= $44.00
 This is not including the gas to get there and back and any extras.

Getting high is also cheaper than bowling. The only thing that I can think of that would be cheaper is if you rented movies and then they couldn't be  new releases.

It is no wonder that kids these days smoke pot till their brains' rot it's the cheapest form of entertainment.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas is Right Around the Corner and I Have a Date!

So let me start off this blog by apologizing I have been uber busy working lately, and not posting. Who knew that temping could be so busy?! So I apologize and I will start posting regularly again. So the schedule will not change Wednesdays will still be the day.

Update Time!: I have been working like crazy lately and all graveyard. I think it's starting to drive some people a little mad. Mostly because I have no idea what day it is and I keep referring to days not as I run into them but more on my sleeping schedule. Oh well.  Jeff also has been working like crazy, usually opposite shifts. I feel like I haven't seen him in a while.

I am especially excited cause tomorrow I have a date with Jeff. Not that we haven't like gone and got dinner but it has been a lot of not so date type things like grabbing dinner if we are out, mostly to go things. Tomorrow we are actually going to go out to dinner and a movie. I really wanted to go see Sherlock Holmes and so Jeff is taking me tomorrow night since we both don't have to work. This is like the first real date I have ever been on. YAY!

I am Super excited cause Christmas is just around the corner. As I am writing I am listening to chrismas carols.  I still have soooo much shopping to do. Not that I don't shop for people during the year, but this year I haven't had the money to do so. Jeff and I have decided that we are going to go half and half on gifts cause the girls have decided that this year they would like gift cards so they can go buy pants and stuff they need. This way they get more money to work with.  This is not to say that I think Christmas is about the gifts cause it totally isn't I LOVE Christmas cause it is a time to be around my family and friends. Especially after the past three weeks I could really use the reconnect. I miss them.

Things to come:

More blogging! Different blogging! More Ranting... I'm sure. So regular Blogs every Wednesday. I would like to do a new blogtype thing on other things like crafting maybe on a different day. I am also thinking I mights start writing and posting it here on another connected page. Currently I have realized that I can do several different pages on the same blog making this more of a website than a blog.Yay for homepagieness!

Wishing you all the brightest of holiday wishes. I am off to my last day of work this week.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Stop Right There Christmas!

Now that it's November I have noticed that department stores have almost totally skipped over Thanksgiving. There are fewer fall decorations and many more Christmas ones out. It seems that as winter approaches Christmas doth descend in November and sometimes in October if you are Fred Myers or J C Penny's. I say 'Nay' I want my Thanksgiving back! I want to spend hours with my family and just be thankful that we are all still here, happy and with each other. I want to buy silly little turkey things and things for making pie and take my boyfriend home to meet my parents... A scary thought all on it's own. I want to watch football with my Mom and Dad and fight with my brother over the wish bone. I don't want Christmas to rear it's head until after I pass out in a turkey coma!

This is not to say that I don't like Christmas. I love it. The decorations, the holiday smells that roam the hallways and aisles of stores. I love the trinkets and most of all I love being with my family and friends. I love it when my adopted Mom makes divinity and snow is in the air. Like I have said before I love all the seasons I just want them in their season.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tailgaters Beware!!!

I will be the first one to say that I hate tailgaters. I personally am not one but some people!  I mean I understand that it is SUPER important that YOU get wherever it is that you are going but really! I'm driving a little over the speed limit already, and you are still riding my ass.  Today I was with my sister and we were coming home and there was a car ahead of us and one behind us. Now the person ahead of us was driving a little over the speed limit and we were a little ways behind her. The woman behind us, though rode our ass all the way to where we turned off. As my sister was driving we were talking about this and she too said that she tries not to ride the bumper of the person in front of her. So we have decided that what the driving community needs is people who pay attention to the damn speed signs! They are there for a reason. The state/city pays a shit load of money for all those large white signs with the big BLACK numbers. At least buy me dinner or pull my hair if you are going to ride my ass.

Friday, October 28, 2011

My Favorite time of the Year!

I probably say this about every season but I love this time of year. The heat of the summer has past and it's getting a little colder, but it's not freezing. The leaves on the trees are starting to change to yellows and oranges, and reds. Pumpkins get carved and thanksgiving is just around the corner. The gardens are ready to be harvested.During this time of fall in particular is the best cause everyone is looking at costumes and the surreal and the haunted. Also as many of you know I have a Wiccan based spirituality so this time of year is also the turning of the wheel a variable Witchy New Year.

Zombies( My personal fave), witches, and ghosties and ghouls are all in high demand. Especially with the weekend being here. It is just a great time of the year and I wanted to tell all my fans and followers and fellow witchy people to have a Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

13 reasons why YOU SHOULD date a Bigger Girl

So the other day I Shared on FaceBook a story from Regretful Morning, a site I found randomly, called 6 reasons to date a chubby girl. Some of my friends found it offensive others thought it was cool. I agree that the author of Regretful Morning was a little brash but he is a guy so lets be nice. But as I was sitting here my sister Melissa and I were thinking about it. Being bigger girls we think there are a lot more reasons to date a bigger girl so we decided to compile a bunch. Starting with the original six with MY opinions for them.

1. Not afraid to eat.
             Bigger girls actually have an appetite. We don't look like sticks for a reason We are not afraid to eat what we want cause yes we probably will go home and look at our selves in the mirror and think "I shouldn't have ate that," but the rest of our self conversation will be "Oh well it was really good. I'll walk 2 more blocks tomorrow." which we probably won't do. But that isn't the point

2.  Less likely to be conceited
                Don't confuse Conceit with Confidence. We tell ourselves that we are big beautiful and there is nothing that will change that. We could spend all day at the gym but really we are real women that have shit to do.

3.  Give you a BJ you won't ever forget
                The only reason we do it better is because we aren't afraid of Popsicle and ice cream. Yeah we might get bigger but we get to practice too.

4. More Durable
                I don't think I have ever had a boyfriend, or even my brothers attack me while watching UFC fighting, but I can take just as much as I dish out. There is something to be said for any girl that cares less about breaking a nail than having a good time.

5. Will keep you in shape
                I don't know about this one but since the author of this article gave a vivid description of what this means to him I guess it works. I just have to say I personally like to go for long walks on the beach and I am not afraid to work.

 6. Warmer when it's cold out
               Melissa says she doesn't stay warmer when it's cold out and I have to agree. I get cold easily, and the last thing I want is your cold ass hands on my anything. Wear some damn gloves!

7. Better Cuddle Buddies
                Yeah I think this one is pretty self-explanatory.

8. Don't Cheat.
                While I think this one is like the conceited one anyone can cheat or not it's a personal thing. But I don't know of a bigger girl that has cheated on her man. Probably cause we would like to keep the people we are with, cause lets face it finding guys that like bigger girls is like finding a needle in a haystack, it takes a while.

9. You won't go hungry.
                We know how to cook I mean look at us. You don't just get this way from eating salad. Not that we won't eat our veggies but we just like them prepared properly

10. You Don't Have to get Jealous
                 Other guys may look at us while we are outl, but not too many will hit on us. Thin girls get hit on all the time. You never have to worry about your big girl getting picked up by another man, cause many of them "aren't attracted" to bigger girls 

11, Gain Our Trust, Keep Our Hearts
                   Gaining ourl is easy if you are a good man. All you have to do is be yourself. That’s all we expects from you. We will like you for you as long as you show us the same courtesy. Once you are in you have nothing to worry about but being honest.

12. Opinionated.
                    If you need an opinion about anything, ask a bigger girl. In general we have dedicated our time to our minds, not bodies. We know almost everything or can find out what you need to know. We know there are two sides to every story and generally can see things from both sides.

13. We Love to Laugh
                   With everything that we have been through good and bad, especially now, we love to laugh. We will appreciate your sense of humor even if it tends to be in the gutter.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I know I know promises and such.

I know I have not been posting regularly like I said I would. I will try to write every Wednesday. Recently I have been staying with my sisters. Which I know is no excuse but it is a reason that I have not been writing. My sister wanted me to meet this guy that was her friend cause he was complaining to her that he was 'lonely.' Naturally I was her first thought whey it came her being in a relationship and me being single. Incidentally we totally hit it off and now we are dating.

Friday, September 9, 2011

"I think I'm going to die!" and Updates!

I realize that I have a tendency to be a smidgen theatrical when it comes to my titles, but it really is one of those things that you will come to know and love about me. So much has happened in the last couple of months. I know I keep promising to keep my blog updated and I am going to do it again. I will not let it go so long. My goal is to get up a Blog post at least once a week probably on Wednesdays. Just for future reference. If I post more than that then "YAY ME!" If that's the schedule I keep to then "Wahooo!" It's going to work I know I can do it.

I mentioned before that I was going to take a flagging class, and I did. It was good shorter than usual but still 6 1/2 hours long. It's really not that hard of a class at least not with The Evergreen Safety Counsel, which is who does flagging courses in Astoria. They have a book and you go through the finer points of the flagging procedure for like 8 hours. And then you take an open book test that the instructor totally let us talk out our answers if we wanted too, which we did. There were only 3 people in my class. It was actually pretty good. Since then I have had a couple of jobs and not much else

I have recently started to get on a healthier kick for life type thing. I keep failing, but I keep trying too. So on to "I think I'm going to die" thing I went on a 4.36 mile walk with the dog today. I really just wanted to walk a little farther than I was walking. I actually ended up going 2x as far as I usually do. But it was nice and sunny and I didn't get ran over so that is good.  I have been trying to eat healthier but it is hard to get my mom to make half of the stuff fruit or veggies. I would think she would embrace it because my step dad has diabetes. It is not like Grizz is totally excepting of things that are good for him. So I try to make healthier choices out of what is served.

I just finished the first "Thirst" Book by Christopher Pike and it was really good. I really didn't like the way he wrote at first but after reading the first three stories I really want to read the next book. Now I am reading "Marked" by PC Cast and Kristin Cast. I have heard that the "House of Night" Series is good but I have only read page 1. Hopefully I like them. I really want to. I am noticing that my current literature taste is leaning toward Vampires. Possibly because I  am thinking of writing a story with vampires in it.

Anyway I am going to bed now. Hope you all have a great night.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I hope you all had a good 4th of July. I had a pretty great one with my family, we had a special dinner and went down to the Columbia River and watched the fireworks that were in Astoria as well as all the mortars that were going off all around us. I am finally on the down swing of being sick, Although I think I am allergic to the type of soap my parents have. I also made plans with my parents to move back home.

The reason I thought it would be a good choice at the moment is 1.I don't have a job 2. I have no prospective roommates. Sometimes we just need to take time to get back to basics. I think it would be good to get my life all collected and back on track. I really want to have something that I could make money at while I go to college. So I am going to take some time and get my life squared away.

On the 16th I am going to take a flagging class so that I can work and get a little money. That way I can buy the parts so I can fix my truck. Then I am going to try and learn some upholstery. Hopefully I can at least do my step-dad's seats in his project car.  I am kinda excited to move home.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Home at Last!

So I have been sick but I am feeling much better now. I'm up and moving I even took a little walk after dinner today.

Yesterday my Stepdad called and asked if I wanted to come home for the 4th of July, and I said yes. So now I am at my Parents' house in Washington. I am so excited to be here. I love coming home. It always seems that my stress and fears melt away when I am here. There is just so much peacefullness here. Really if there is any better place on earth God kept it for himself. My parents live in a very small town on the Columbia River, and it is beautiful!.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


This is just a little post to say that I have not forgotten or forsaken you. But after my day at the amusement park Mel and I went to the Molalla Buckaroo kick off, and being the intelligent person I am I didn't bring a coat and now I am sick. Almost too sick to write this blog. So for the past couple of days I have been sicker than a dog. Not fun at all. And now there are screaming children outside of my window. Yes my day keeps getting better and better.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ideas, Fun, and Catching up.

So lets start today's blog off with some awesome ideas:

    Idea 1. I have been toying with the idea of selling the arm warmers that I knit. If I could make them on a regular basis I think I would work nicely.

    Idea 2. I am thinking of doing a monthly "special" Blog. I have some ideas. I would love to hear from you guys about anything that you might like to hear about.

So In other news  Friday my little sisters and two of their friends came over and stayed the night. I made them some amazing Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo.( I will leave the recipe at the end) After dinner we walked down to the city park and took some awesome pictures. Then we watched movies and went to sleep. It was good to have them over except now my house looks like a tornado rolled through. But it was nice and just means I will have to do some cleaning today.

Yesterday I went with my family to a company picnic type of gathering at Oaks Park  in Portland. Candi, Mel and I had tons of fun all day riding the rides and Mel and I even conquered a couple of our fears. I am scared of roller coasters and especially ones that go upside down. When I went to six flags in California a few years ago I didn't ride any of the coasters cause I was super scared, and I have always regretted it.  So I went on the coaster at Oaks Park and it really wasn't that bad at all it was a lot of fun actually. I wish now that I had gone on the Screaming Eagle with Candi but I didn't. One fear at a time!
It was tons of fun except that my other sister Cyndi had to work so she didn't get to go. Incidentally now we are planning a return trip so that we can all have fun.  The bad thing that happened while we were there is that I got a sunburn. Damn my fair skin! Thank God it isn't too bad.

Recipe Time:

I took 2 Boneless, Skinless Chicken breasts  cut them up into 1/2 inch chunks and heated some Olive Oil and cooked the chunks with like 1/4 tsp garlic powder and  a bit of onion powder. When they were done I took them out and set them aside. Then I took 2 boxes of Pasta Roni Fettuccine Alfredo, and followed the directions and when it was boiling I added the chicken back in along with a can of corn(drained). Then I let it thicken and ta da!  I make several variations.

From scratch, well as scratch as I can, I cook the chicken as above and add mushrooms, and onions, diced. I make noodles separate and at the end I mix them all together with Alfredo sauce. It is delicious!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Trick Your Mind!

When my Mom moved my brother and I all the way across the state I never thought that I would ever learn anything worth while from my new family. Little did I know that living with a diabetic grandmother could echo out till now. So I thought I would share some of the stuff I have learned.
DISCLAIMER:I am not and never will be a nutritionist. My grandmother is not a nutritionist. I just thought that these things might help someone.

1. A full plate is a full plate- eating smaller  proportions without feeling like your starving is easy. If you use  smaller plates and bowls you choose smaller proportions. When you look at a full bowl it doesn't matter how big it is, it's full. This helps with portion control as well.  At one time I ate a big full plate and would go back for seconds. Now using smaller plates I eat one plate.

2. Fun size your enemy- While eating too much sugar is not a good thing eating no sugar might drive you crazy. Eating a fun size candy bar every now and then is not going to kill you. And it might save your sanity. If you are a pie baker you can substitute "sweet and low" for the sugar.

3. Eat your fruit and veggies!-Snacking can be the right thing to do if you are eating the right things. If you snack on carrots or celery it is far better than chowing down on the Lays. There are healthy alternatives out there to potato chips.

I hope this is helpful.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Ironic Final Days

I am sure that if you asked my Mom what the top ten things are that I hate to do laundry, and cleaning would be in the top 5. Due to finals stress my bedroom which is usually a disaster is almost spotless, as is my Kitchen, Living room, and Bathroom. All my laundry as well is done and put away where it is suppose to be. All this over a couple of days. Procrastination is totally my middle name.

On another subject I am irritated beyond belief. I applied to take summer session classes at WOU, and when I turned in my Financial Aid request they told me I would find out in my email. When I got the email it lead me to this financial module site and I really couldn't understand anything. So I made an appointment to see one of the people and they lead me through it.  The good news: My classes, tuition, and fees are covered. Bad news: I don't have room and board. Slightly better news: I can apply for an outside loan. Irritating Stupidness: To get an outside loan for less than $3000 which I could easily pay back in the next year I have to have a co-signer cause I don't have any credit history! Retarded...

On my way back to my Homework. Hope you all have a great day tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

So as some of you know I was asked to present at Academic Excellence Showcase this year, which is a program put on by Western to highlight the work that students do during the year. I am presenting a poem that I wrote in German about a lost Giraffe. I just got the invitation and I told Stefinnie that I would put it up so she had the information. Everyone is welcome, and invited to come.

Sie sind eingeladen!
You are Invited!
 Academic Excellence Showcase
The German Department Presents...
Thursday, May 26, 2011
HSS 336
9:30-10:30     Symposium: When Words Meet Music
                      Paper Presentations (in English) By:
                      (LIST OF PEOPLE"S NAMES which I am not writing out.)

10:30-11:30    Presentations: Alles auf Deutsch! (All in German!)
                       Poems, Short Stories, and Skits
                       (Translations Avalible)
                                 By: Various Preformers TBA      Me.

Refreshments Previded! Come help us celebrate the end of the year and work of our students in German!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Aww the little things

It has been an exciting weekend. Friday I stayed home since it is typically my day of rest. I take Fridays as me days. I only have 1 German class and so after that it's all me. Anyway Saturday my sisters came and got me and I spent all day with them and then Mel took me so I could go food shopping and then we came back to my house and hung out for a few hours. Cause she wanted her nails done, and I know how to do them in acrylic. So while she put on her tips I cleaned the cat litter box, swept and mopped my kitchen and entry hall floors and cleaned up the kitchen a little.

Since Mel has terrible anxiety attacks when she drives home alone I went home with her and we sneaked me into her room so I could stay with her. It was fun playing like I was my little sister Candi. This morning I sneaked back out and we went and did some house shopping and had a good day running around.

Now I'm back at home finishing my laundry and house work.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Things are looking up

Things are starting to look up I know that it's been a while since I posted but I hope to make this an everyday thing or weekly.. anyway spring is here and I feel like things are looking up. The other day I was asked to participate in a program my school puts on called Academic Excellence Showcase. It is a program that showcases student's work though out the year such as papers, research projects and class projects. You have to be nominated by a professor and it is a huge honor. I am excited cause I will be reading two of the poems that I wrote for a German project. Of course they are in German and I will try to put up the video on here.

Yesterday my roommate gave me a present.. It was a Bible. I had told her that I didn't have one and so she bought me one. I will put a picture below. She also wrote me a great message. The message says:

"May the words of this book come alive for you as you need it, May the God of truth reveal himself to you through the word of truth."

Friday, April 15, 2011

Back from break

Yes I know I have been away for a little while but I am back now and better than ever, well kinda. For the most part I am back. I went home for spring break and saw my parents. It was great. I got to spend some quality time with my mom and everyone. Since I have come home I have had difficulties with my roommate.

How she ever became a teacher I will never know because she sucks at communicating. It seems to me that every time she should just say something she doesn't until to becomes a thorn and then when she confronts me she acts like it's been a long time coming.  I was raised in a home where my Momma wasn't a mind reader! If you had a problem or you needed something you said something. I can't fix something I don't know is happening.

Anyway other than the miniscule thing with my roommate a new term has started and it seems to be going alright. I will post some pictures of my trip so you can see Oregon and everything.







Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Excitement of My Life!

I am soo excited for tomorrow, well technically today, because we are going to build-a-bear! My excitement of course comes from the fact that I have never been to one in my entire life. I have always thought of them as being very expensive but my sisters have stuff from there that is insanely cute. I am just uber excited!

Friday, January 21, 2011


Yesterday I went to counseling and was talking about my crazy weekend and how I said all it takes is one day to make the difference. Then we talked about how I had missed like a week's worth of classes. Well he then applied the one day thing to procrastination, which I will admit I have a major problem with. And we made some goals that I could complete to get caught up with my school work. My counselor is a genius to put it that way. So now I am fighting off procrastination and trying to make my life better by making SMART goals.

So SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timed goals. So it is sometimes hard for people to complete goals because they make them unrealistic and they don't put limits on them. For instance if you wanted to go down 10 dress sizes in 4 months. This is an unrealistic goal. I also think you need to come up with ways to complete your goals.

Goal #1: I will make up my 3 assignments in British Lit by the end of the weekend.
  •  Copy Make up assignments on Friday(today).
  • Work in the mornings to complete at least 1.5 assignments a day.
 Goal #2: I will take better care of myself in the next 2 months (Lose 8lbs) .
  • Eat healthier( More fruits and veggies, leaner meat, and less soda)
  • Exercise More. ( Walk to class at least 3 times a week, do palates at least 2 times a week and 1 day of cardio.)
Goal #3: I will take better care of myself Spiritually in the next week.
  • Take the time to enjoy the world around me.
  • Read my Text 
  • Do some energy work.
I think that these two goals are attainable and give me lots of room to move around. Losing 8lbs in 2 months is a little daunting but that is a pound a week and I think I can do it. At the end of  my specified time I can go back and see if this was true and make new goals. Good goals are what helps us make improvements that we want to see in our selves over time without the fear of failure.

Quote of the Day: “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try." -Anonymous

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wonderful Weekend

I just got back from spending a wonderful weekend at a friend's house. We talked and got caught up, drank margaritas, played cribbage and had a wonderful time. Now its down to brass tax. I Have a list of homework to get done for this week, as well as finding a job and trying to earn a little money to buy tires for my truck. Aww.... the world goes round and we just keep spinning with it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wiped out

I feel wiped after everything that happened last weekend. Mom kept asking me if I was OK and I don't know if I am. Is it bad to still feel in shock after a few days? I just don't know how I feel about it. On one hand I used to be a cutter, and I have seriously thought about suicide. I guess it is just being faced with what I could have been that freaks me out a little. I will be the first to say that cutting is a bad habit, and one that I am not proud of. I will even say it is super dangerous. But I can also say that I understand what it's like to need to feel something even if it is pain. Even now after years I still feel those old familiar tinglings when I get super stressed.

This just gives me pause to think about what it would be like if I hadn't decided to stop. If I hadn't decided to get help. It makes me sad to think that I could have put people through. What I did put people through. I makes me sad but I did stop and it was hard. Possibly the hardest thing I have ever done but I did.

My advice for anyone that is a cutter is to stop. Only you can stop yourself. Once you make that first step it can only get better. One day is a great accomplishment. Two days is fantastic... and soon days turn into weeks, weeks to months and months into years, and one day you might look back and realize that it's been 9 years and there is nothing better than that feeling.

Life and Complacency.

This weekend has been a very.. traumatic one at the very least. Sadly I can't say that it was a great weekend that I would like to repeat because I would rather not. I went to my sister's and the weekend started out fine. I ran into the same problems as usual, mainly finding a place to sleep that wasn't going to kill me. Then Saturday rolled around and everything started to go down hill fast.


The downstairs neighbor, we'll call her crazy, has flipped out on other occasions. Every weekend or so for the last three weeks. So Crazy is a 25 or 26 year old female who recently had her kids completely taken away. On Saturday night she corralled my sister and her friend in her apartment and would not let them go. Then she proceeded to go on and show them where she had been cutting. I went down and tried to get them but she wouldn't answer the door and just after I came down my sister's mom came down. So Crazy let all the kids go but wouldn't let Mom back upstairs and kept yelling at her. So mom sat down in her chair and we called the police. Between the time the police got there and the time that they were called Crazy went back into her apartment and got a knife and was sitting outside slashing open her wrists and stabbing herself in the arm. Just before the police came she ran into her house where she had to be tazered, in her kitchen.

After been carted away my sister and I washed away all the blood from the concrete and then cleaned the blood up on her linoleum floors. Crazy was taken to a hospital to treat her wounds and was released into the custody of her mother the next day.

Please if you are feeling suicidal get help. You can call the suicide hotline at 1800 suicide.