Friday, October 28, 2011

My Favorite time of the Year!

I probably say this about every season but I love this time of year. The heat of the summer has past and it's getting a little colder, but it's not freezing. The leaves on the trees are starting to change to yellows and oranges, and reds. Pumpkins get carved and thanksgiving is just around the corner. The gardens are ready to be harvested.During this time of fall in particular is the best cause everyone is looking at costumes and the surreal and the haunted. Also as many of you know I have a Wiccan based spirituality so this time of year is also the turning of the wheel a variable Witchy New Year.

Zombies( My personal fave), witches, and ghosties and ghouls are all in high demand. Especially with the weekend being here. It is just a great time of the year and I wanted to tell all my fans and followers and fellow witchy people to have a Happy Halloween!

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