Thursday, October 27, 2011

13 reasons why YOU SHOULD date a Bigger Girl

So the other day I Shared on FaceBook a story from Regretful Morning, a site I found randomly, called 6 reasons to date a chubby girl. Some of my friends found it offensive others thought it was cool. I agree that the author of Regretful Morning was a little brash but he is a guy so lets be nice. But as I was sitting here my sister Melissa and I were thinking about it. Being bigger girls we think there are a lot more reasons to date a bigger girl so we decided to compile a bunch. Starting with the original six with MY opinions for them.

1. Not afraid to eat.
             Bigger girls actually have an appetite. We don't look like sticks for a reason We are not afraid to eat what we want cause yes we probably will go home and look at our selves in the mirror and think "I shouldn't have ate that," but the rest of our self conversation will be "Oh well it was really good. I'll walk 2 more blocks tomorrow." which we probably won't do. But that isn't the point

2.  Less likely to be conceited
                Don't confuse Conceit with Confidence. We tell ourselves that we are big beautiful and there is nothing that will change that. We could spend all day at the gym but really we are real women that have shit to do.

3.  Give you a BJ you won't ever forget
                The only reason we do it better is because we aren't afraid of Popsicle and ice cream. Yeah we might get bigger but we get to practice too.

4. More Durable
                I don't think I have ever had a boyfriend, or even my brothers attack me while watching UFC fighting, but I can take just as much as I dish out. There is something to be said for any girl that cares less about breaking a nail than having a good time.

5. Will keep you in shape
                I don't know about this one but since the author of this article gave a vivid description of what this means to him I guess it works. I just have to say I personally like to go for long walks on the beach and I am not afraid to work.

 6. Warmer when it's cold out
               Melissa says she doesn't stay warmer when it's cold out and I have to agree. I get cold easily, and the last thing I want is your cold ass hands on my anything. Wear some damn gloves!

7. Better Cuddle Buddies
                Yeah I think this one is pretty self-explanatory.

8. Don't Cheat.
                While I think this one is like the conceited one anyone can cheat or not it's a personal thing. But I don't know of a bigger girl that has cheated on her man. Probably cause we would like to keep the people we are with, cause lets face it finding guys that like bigger girls is like finding a needle in a haystack, it takes a while.

9. You won't go hungry.
                We know how to cook I mean look at us. You don't just get this way from eating salad. Not that we won't eat our veggies but we just like them prepared properly

10. You Don't Have to get Jealous
                 Other guys may look at us while we are outl, but not too many will hit on us. Thin girls get hit on all the time. You never have to worry about your big girl getting picked up by another man, cause many of them "aren't attracted" to bigger girls 

11, Gain Our Trust, Keep Our Hearts
                   Gaining ourl is easy if you are a good man. All you have to do is be yourself. That’s all we expects from you. We will like you for you as long as you show us the same courtesy. Once you are in you have nothing to worry about but being honest.

12. Opinionated.
                    If you need an opinion about anything, ask a bigger girl. In general we have dedicated our time to our minds, not bodies. We know almost everything or can find out what you need to know. We know there are two sides to every story and generally can see things from both sides.

13. We Love to Laugh
                   With everything that we have been through good and bad, especially now, we love to laugh. We will appreciate your sense of humor even if it tends to be in the gutter.

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