Sunday, May 22, 2011

Aww the little things

It has been an exciting weekend. Friday I stayed home since it is typically my day of rest. I take Fridays as me days. I only have 1 German class and so after that it's all me. Anyway Saturday my sisters came and got me and I spent all day with them and then Mel took me so I could go food shopping and then we came back to my house and hung out for a few hours. Cause she wanted her nails done, and I know how to do them in acrylic. So while she put on her tips I cleaned the cat litter box, swept and mopped my kitchen and entry hall floors and cleaned up the kitchen a little.

Since Mel has terrible anxiety attacks when she drives home alone I went home with her and we sneaked me into her room so I could stay with her. It was fun playing like I was my little sister Candi. This morning I sneaked back out and we went and did some house shopping and had a good day running around.

Now I'm back at home finishing my laundry and house work.

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