Friday, May 20, 2011

Things are looking up

Things are starting to look up I know that it's been a while since I posted but I hope to make this an everyday thing or weekly.. anyway spring is here and I feel like things are looking up. The other day I was asked to participate in a program my school puts on called Academic Excellence Showcase. It is a program that showcases student's work though out the year such as papers, research projects and class projects. You have to be nominated by a professor and it is a huge honor. I am excited cause I will be reading two of the poems that I wrote for a German project. Of course they are in German and I will try to put up the video on here.

Yesterday my roommate gave me a present.. It was a Bible. I had told her that I didn't have one and so she bought me one. I will put a picture below. She also wrote me a great message. The message says:

"May the words of this book come alive for you as you need it, May the God of truth reveal himself to you through the word of truth."

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