Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Stop Right There Christmas!

Now that it's November I have noticed that department stores have almost totally skipped over Thanksgiving. There are fewer fall decorations and many more Christmas ones out. It seems that as winter approaches Christmas doth descend in November and sometimes in October if you are Fred Myers or J C Penny's. I say 'Nay' I want my Thanksgiving back! I want to spend hours with my family and just be thankful that we are all still here, happy and with each other. I want to buy silly little turkey things and things for making pie and take my boyfriend home to meet my parents... A scary thought all on it's own. I want to watch football with my Mom and Dad and fight with my brother over the wish bone. I don't want Christmas to rear it's head until after I pass out in a turkey coma!

This is not to say that I don't like Christmas. I love it. The decorations, the holiday smells that roam the hallways and aisles of stores. I love the trinkets and most of all I love being with my family and friends. I love it when my adopted Mom makes divinity and snow is in the air. Like I have said before I love all the seasons I just want them in their season.

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