Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Trick Your Mind!

When my Mom moved my brother and I all the way across the state I never thought that I would ever learn anything worth while from my new family. Little did I know that living with a diabetic grandmother could echo out till now. So I thought I would share some of the stuff I have learned.
DISCLAIMER:I am not and never will be a nutritionist. My grandmother is not a nutritionist. I just thought that these things might help someone.

1. A full plate is a full plate- eating smaller  proportions without feeling like your starving is easy. If you use  smaller plates and bowls you choose smaller proportions. When you look at a full bowl it doesn't matter how big it is, it's full. This helps with portion control as well.  At one time I ate a big full plate and would go back for seconds. Now using smaller plates I eat one plate.

2. Fun size your enemy- While eating too much sugar is not a good thing eating no sugar might drive you crazy. Eating a fun size candy bar every now and then is not going to kill you. And it might save your sanity. If you are a pie baker you can substitute "sweet and low" for the sugar.

3. Eat your fruit and veggies!-Snacking can be the right thing to do if you are eating the right things. If you snack on carrots or celery it is far better than chowing down on the Lays. There are healthy alternatives out there to potato chips.

I hope this is helpful.

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