Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tailgaters Beware!!!

I will be the first one to say that I hate tailgaters. I personally am not one but some people!  I mean I understand that it is SUPER important that YOU get wherever it is that you are going but really! I'm driving a little over the speed limit already, and you are still riding my ass.  Today I was with my sister and we were coming home and there was a car ahead of us and one behind us. Now the person ahead of us was driving a little over the speed limit and we were a little ways behind her. The woman behind us, though rode our ass all the way to where we turned off. As my sister was driving we were talking about this and she too said that she tries not to ride the bumper of the person in front of her. So we have decided that what the driving community needs is people who pay attention to the damn speed signs! They are there for a reason. The state/city pays a shit load of money for all those large white signs with the big BLACK numbers. At least buy me dinner or pull my hair if you are going to ride my ass.

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