Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sleep Come Swiftly

I can only hope at this point that sleep will come and envelope me in her sweet embrace, because I have class tomorrow and a paper to turn in not to mention another paper to write and a book to read. I have heard from other people in class that 'Persuasion' by Jane Austin is stunningly dull. And I have to have 2/3 of it read by next week. Although on the good side of things Only two weeks left before finals. Not looking forward to finals but definitely to the break. I think I might go home, or look for a job here, but probably go home and spend some quality time with my mom. I miss her dearly I haven't talked to her in like a week. She said that she would call me when she got home. I figured that she would forget.

I have also spent the better half of last week here in my apartment by myself, well excluding Poo(poose my cat) and Lilly( my pet rat). My roomie has been gone FOREVER. I don't even like to spend weekends by myself. Now I find out that this week she is going to be gone again for most of it. I feel bad but I don't want to be here by myself. It makes me sad but it isn't her responsibility to stay here with me just because I am lonely.
It saddens me.


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