Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Procrastination and getting something done

I have always always been a procrastinator. Especially when I feel depressed and lonely. But I am positive that today is the day to get some stuff done. I have to write a paper by Thursday and it sucks cause I really don't understand Marxism. But I will get through it. I remember when 3 page papers were the standard in College classes below 300 level Now I've had 2, 4 page minimum papers in like a week. Oh well next term is going to be insane I think.

Next term I am taking Math 105. I'm not good at math, there is a reason I am an English major not a Math/ Science major. But it will complete my math requirement for my degree thank God. I am also taking Sociology 225, which is social problems but it is the second to the last for classes that will complete my LACC's. Then I am taking Writing 230, which is the class I should have taken instead of the WRT 222 class that I am going to fail this term. Leaving it in the 'Do over if I have time at the end' basket of my education.

Oh the joys of college


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