Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lesson of the day: March 10, 2010

In English today we were finishing up with the Romantics since today is the last day of class before finals, and when I take notes I try to find something significant that I can apply to life such as Being the change you want to see in the world. I like to pass them on not only for me to come back and look at them but in hopes that you will be able to make a connection as well. So in today's lesson I found two things.

The first is from my notes on Keats 'The Veil of Soul Making (concept) argues that there must be pain, suffering, and trails in life to prove happiness as truth.'
I think that this is true, because nobody goes through life with out pain, or trials. If you really think about it these are the things that make us who we are. Our struggles in life, and our ability to over come those hardships are what really show who we are not only to ourselves but to other people.

Lesson #2 "Beauty is truth, truth beauty.'-- that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." (Keats, Ode on a Grecian Urn  lines 49-50)
How true. For something we covet so highly in our personal relationships I don't think people look at things so simply anymore. We even lie in everyday life. Don't look at the screen and call me a hypocrite. I admit it I lie too.

Like yesterday, which was really cool. I woke up late for my 12 o'clock class and was just going to e-mail my professor with an excuse when I saw that he had canceled class for the day. I didn't have to lie, but I was going to.

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