Monday, March 1, 2010


Hello I wanted to start off my new blog 'Between Me and The Bedroom Wall' with a little introduction about the author. My name is Lowe. Obviously that is not my real name but for security sake lets just go with it. I am 23 and live in a very small college town in Oregon. Yes I am a college student and I actually love it.

I am currently majoring in English Literature and Minoring in Writing. Now many of you may have an issue with me not giving my name but giving my major and minor the only thing I have to say is that at my college there are like 1500 people with the same majors and minors, I think I am safe.

So here are some of the things you can look forward to from this blog:
       1. My views of the world, people, and pretty much everything
       2. Issues with everything
Mostly and above all everything to do with life.


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