Monday, March 1, 2010

Review of GAMER.

Back with GAMER was coming out in theaters I really wanted to go see it but didn't have the money, so recently I rented it on iTunes.  I had watch 5 review on it mostly good but a few bad.

Me: Sweet GAMER looks good!
Me2: Yeah and it only cost 3.99 on iTunes

20minutes later I was watching GAMER. I am not one to be squeamish about movies I watch many of them since I don't have cable so here are my positive/ negative view on movies:

Understandable Plot ++
Blood                      + (not squeamish)
GORE                     -
Horror                    -
Not to say I don't like horror but I don't like horror if it isn't suspenseful
suspense                 ++
love story                +
War                        + (usually accurate)
Sex                        +/- Not when it teeters on the edge of porn

Basically I liked the initial story and thought that it could come very close to reality someday, but it was all extremely predictable, bordered on the edge of porn, and had a very awkward dance number. It was strange. I would say it was barely worth renting and definitely not on the buy list. I was saddened.

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