Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Picking up My Dress and other things

So Yesterday we had our Thanksgiving dinner, of which I am happy to say that I cooked 95% of it on my own. It was just Jeff, his mom and I but I think I did a pretty good job. Everyone seemed to enjoy it and the turkey was moist. I just don't think my mother and law judged the cooking time right cause the bottom didn't seem to be all the way done but the top was perfect. I think I might cook Thanksgiving every year. It was fun. The only thing missing was Jeff's sister who did not come because she is fighting with Jeff's mom about stupid stuff.

Today is going to be a great day. Mostly because Jeff and I get to spend another day off together, and because it is date night. Once in a while our days off are on the same days and we can go out and do stuff together. This week happens to be one of them. Which is why we had T-day early. So we started out I asked Jeff if he wanted to go see a movie cause we both want to see Thor: Dark World before it goes out of theaters. Of course he agreed and then asked if I wanted to try out this new grill place he saw on tv. Then we decided since we could watch the movie downtown, which is close to the grill we should also visit our favorite new & used book store. But I really need to go pick up my dress tomorrow as well so our schedule of events went from dinner and a movie to a whole day planned out trip. I am going to drop him off at the cigar lounge and go get my dress and take it to my sister's house cause Jeff is a snoop and I can't have my dress at our house. Then I am going to pick him up and we are going to drop off our car at the mall and ride the public transit around downtown. It is so much easier to use it than to drive everywhere and get lost and irritated. Then we will go to the bookstore, a comic bookstore, dinner, and then to the movie. We recently moved so we are trying to find a new comic book store.

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