Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Update to Beat ALL Updates.

SO needless to say I have been gone for a while due to school, and work, and my computer having a massive fail. So since I have been away this will be THE UPDATE TO BEAT ALL UPDATES! Since we last spoke or rather since I last wrote to you I have moved twice, got a new job, bought a car, adopted two, and been proposed to once. Oh and my kitchen is trying to kill me. Plus recent stuff and trying to figure things out.So one thing at a time.

We moved to Salem Oregon so I could be closer to school, and then recently in September we moved to Gresham to be closer to where Jeff works. I didn't finish school and it is not completely off the table but I realized that as much as I loved going because it fed my mind it also came with a LOT of stress and it triggered my depression big time. It was way too expensive and I racted up a lot of debt do it. Now I know what you are saying I should go back and finish cause I am close but I am getting my Bacholor's Degree as a Bacholor's of Arts in English Liturature and I am minoring in writing. When I get out of college there will NOT be a job waiting for me, I will mostlikely NOT go into the feild I would like to. I would like to be a teacher but 1. You can not be a teacher with a bacholors degree in my feild unless you are getting your Masters in teaching, so that makes me a sub, and you can't be a full time sub so that puts me right back where I am now. SO that being said I have reconcidered my school career and when everything gets more normalized I will think about it again but for now No School. Since we have moved though I think my new kitchen is trying to kill me. I burned my finger REALLY bad and a week later I sliced my index finger open while sharpening a knife. I have been staying at Jeff's mom's house since then because it is WAY closer to my job until I get transfered.

I got a new Job. No more temping around, I got offered a part-time position at Wal*mart. It isn't ideal but as my momma would say 'A job is a job and you can't stick your nose up at it.' I have actually been working here for over a year, and recently got to enroll for my health care and what not. Since we moved though I need to be transfered to a closer store. So Monday I have to check in with personel about it.

We bought a car. We bought Jeff a Toyota Camry and it has been working out until recently when appearently the heat sensor went out on it. I donno what happened but his buddy has been working on it since neither one of us has time and personally I don't have the motivation or time to go about screwing around with it. SO thank you to Jeff's friend.

We adopted two cats. Well they were newborn kittens when we adopted them. And it was all Jeff's fault. They were super cute but I wasn't going to do it until Jeff one night was sitting on my sister's couch and he was holding the smallest littlest runt of the bunch and she curled up on him and went to sleep and he called her his Baby Vader. (cause we thought she was a boy) But we didn't want to get just her so we adopted another one from the same litter and he has had a lot of names, (since we though he was a girl at first) but we settled on Baby Vader and Solo. So Vay is the black and white, while LoLo is the white siamese looking one.

JEFF PROPOSED! on Febuary 27th, 2013. SO I knew it was going to happen because Jeff has no sense of anything, so I had found my ring and brought him to look at it, cause I am SUCH a romantic and he said it was perfect. So he bought it (when I wasn't around)on sale for a great price. What I wasn't expecting and he, and my sister teased me with how it was going to happen but it was great. It was so sweet he baked me a heart cake and decorated it (with his mom's and a friend's help) and then he put the ring ontop and as I was sitting in the other room he came in and turned my chair around and said I was the best thing that had ever happened to him and He loved me so much and couldn't think of his life without me in it, so would I marry him. and I said yes of course. We took a while and decided on a date but since we live in Oregon the weather is questionable at the best of times so summer was probably best but we wanted to get a really good deal on a honeymoon where ever we decided to go so that was in the fall. But my birthday is August 11, and uhis is Sept. 17th, and I didn't want it to over shadow our birthday's or any plans that we might make, or have, so that we decided on August 22nd, 2014. Afteur running this by his mom we found out it is his Grandfather's birthday but he has passed away, but she said it was perfect, and he would have agreed.

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