Sunday, December 15, 2013

Never gonna Leave

Recently Jeff and I moved from Salem which was 13 miles from my job to Gresham which is 30+ miles from my job. And the whole reason that we moved was to be closer to his job cause it was costing us a small fortune for him to drive from Salem to Portland which was 47 miles one way. Plus since Jeff makes 80% of our house income it was just smarter, but our thinking was that it would be easier for me to transfer my job cause I am a cashier at a large chain store than for him since there is not a hospital in the area that he can transfer to. And so far we LOVE our apartment, community, and how much closer we are to everything including my parents but it has been 3 months of hassle to get my transfer. I like my current store and if it were closer I would not hesitate to stay but there is a 4-5 stores within 10 miles of our apartment. I just don't know what to do.. I have called and left messages for the other store's personnel person, as well as waited for several 1/2 hour increments to talk to her. I also have been hearing some of my co-workers stories about transferring and it doesn't seem this hard. So now I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. Instead of driving all the way back and forth I have been occupying the small guest bedroom at Jeff's mom's house cause she lives 8 miles from my current store. But it is hard and awkward because I am so far away from Jeff and he basically lives in our apartment with our cats while I live with his mother. I love his mom but still it is hard to be here all the time and no with Jeff. Which in turn makes my life stressful and I feel like he is stressed too. So after months of calling and leaving messages, not having time to wait for the other Personnel person Monday I am going to call one last time then Wednesday I am going to take my book and go to the store and wait till she has time to see me. And if nothing comes of this and they don't have a position for me then I may scream. And I will definitely complain. I do know one thing this has made me, more than once, want to quit and start over again. Ridiculousness. This is a true FML moment if there ever was one

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