Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Christmas is just around the corner and I can't wait. I love Yule time and I am showing Jeff more and more things that Pagans do for our holidays. I am hoping that my transfer will go through because my house really needs to be put in order so that I can put up an alter. I love that Jeff is so open to my beliefs. I helped Jeff's mom put up and decorate her tree. I really wanted to get a tree and everything for our apartment this year but it is looking more and more like that just is not going to happen. Jeff and I did how ever buy each other ornaments this year. I bought him a Bacon one and he got me two Doctor Who ones. So they are sitting on our mantel piece other than that you can't even tell that it's Christmas at our house but I am hoping to buy a tree and all the trimmings at a discounted price after this holiday for next year. I guess I will just put our presents under his mom's tree for Christmas this year. I am excited I have bought him some great Tee shirts so we will see how much he loves them. Till next week keep it cheerful. I think Next year I am going to do gift ideas on here for Christmas.

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