Tuesday, June 28, 2011


This is just a little post to say that I have not forgotten or forsaken you. But after my day at the amusement park Mel and I went to the Molalla Buckaroo kick off, and being the intelligent person I am I didn't bring a coat and now I am sick. Almost too sick to write this blog. So for the past couple of days I have been sicker than a dog. Not fun at all. And now there are screaming children outside of my window. Yes my day keeps getting better and better.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ideas, Fun, and Catching up.

So lets start today's blog off with some awesome ideas:

    Idea 1. I have been toying with the idea of selling the arm warmers that I knit. If I could make them on a regular basis I think I would work nicely.

    Idea 2. I am thinking of doing a monthly "special" Blog. I have some ideas. I would love to hear from you guys about anything that you might like to hear about.

So In other news  Friday my little sisters and two of their friends came over and stayed the night. I made them some amazing Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo.( I will leave the recipe at the end) After dinner we walked down to the city park and took some awesome pictures. Then we watched movies and went to sleep. It was good to have them over except now my house looks like a tornado rolled through. But it was nice and just means I will have to do some cleaning today.

Yesterday I went with my family to a company picnic type of gathering at Oaks Park  in Portland. Candi, Mel and I had tons of fun all day riding the rides and Mel and I even conquered a couple of our fears. I am scared of roller coasters and especially ones that go upside down. When I went to six flags in California a few years ago I didn't ride any of the coasters cause I was super scared, and I have always regretted it.  So I went on the coaster at Oaks Park and it really wasn't that bad at all it was a lot of fun actually. I wish now that I had gone on the Screaming Eagle with Candi but I didn't. One fear at a time!
It was tons of fun except that my other sister Cyndi had to work so she didn't get to go. Incidentally now we are planning a return trip so that we can all have fun.  The bad thing that happened while we were there is that I got a sunburn. Damn my fair skin! Thank God it isn't too bad.

Recipe Time:

I took 2 Boneless, Skinless Chicken breasts  cut them up into 1/2 inch chunks and heated some Olive Oil and cooked the chunks with like 1/4 tsp garlic powder and  a bit of onion powder. When they were done I took them out and set them aside. Then I took 2 boxes of Pasta Roni Fettuccine Alfredo, and followed the directions and when it was boiling I added the chicken back in along with a can of corn(drained). Then I let it thicken and ta da!  I make several variations.

From scratch, well as scratch as I can, I cook the chicken as above and add mushrooms, and onions, diced. I make noodles separate and at the end I mix them all together with Alfredo sauce. It is delicious!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Trick Your Mind!

When my Mom moved my brother and I all the way across the state I never thought that I would ever learn anything worth while from my new family. Little did I know that living with a diabetic grandmother could echo out till now. So I thought I would share some of the stuff I have learned.
DISCLAIMER:I am not and never will be a nutritionist. My grandmother is not a nutritionist. I just thought that these things might help someone.

1. A full plate is a full plate- eating smaller  proportions without feeling like your starving is easy. If you use  smaller plates and bowls you choose smaller proportions. When you look at a full bowl it doesn't matter how big it is, it's full. This helps with portion control as well.  At one time I ate a big full plate and would go back for seconds. Now using smaller plates I eat one plate.

2. Fun size your enemy- While eating too much sugar is not a good thing eating no sugar might drive you crazy. Eating a fun size candy bar every now and then is not going to kill you. And it might save your sanity. If you are a pie baker you can substitute "sweet and low" for the sugar.

3. Eat your fruit and veggies!-Snacking can be the right thing to do if you are eating the right things. If you snack on carrots or celery it is far better than chowing down on the Lays. There are healthy alternatives out there to potato chips.

I hope this is helpful.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Ironic Final Days

I am sure that if you asked my Mom what the top ten things are that I hate to do laundry, and cleaning would be in the top 5. Due to finals stress my bedroom which is usually a disaster is almost spotless, as is my Kitchen, Living room, and Bathroom. All my laundry as well is done and put away where it is suppose to be. All this over a couple of days. Procrastination is totally my middle name.

On another subject I am irritated beyond belief. I applied to take summer session classes at WOU, and when I turned in my Financial Aid request they told me I would find out in my email. When I got the email it lead me to this financial module site and I really couldn't understand anything. So I made an appointment to see one of the people and they lead me through it.  The good news: My classes, tuition, and fees are covered. Bad news: I don't have room and board. Slightly better news: I can apply for an outside loan. Irritating Stupidness: To get an outside loan for less than $3000 which I could easily pay back in the next year I have to have a co-signer cause I don't have any credit history! Retarded...

On my way back to my Homework. Hope you all have a great day tomorrow!