Tuesday, May 24, 2011

So as some of you know I was asked to present at Academic Excellence Showcase this year, which is a program put on by Western to highlight the work that students do during the year. I am presenting a poem that I wrote in German about a lost Giraffe. I just got the invitation and I told Stefinnie that I would put it up so she had the information. Everyone is welcome, and invited to come.

Sie sind eingeladen!
You are Invited!
 Academic Excellence Showcase
The German Department Presents...
Thursday, May 26, 2011
HSS 336
9:30-10:30     Symposium: When Words Meet Music
                      Paper Presentations (in English) By:
                      (LIST OF PEOPLE"S NAMES which I am not writing out.)

10:30-11:30    Presentations: Alles auf Deutsch! (All in German!)
                       Poems, Short Stories, and Skits
                       (Translations Avalible)
                                 By: Various Preformers TBA      Me.

Refreshments Previded! Come help us celebrate the end of the year and work of our students in German!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Aww the little things

It has been an exciting weekend. Friday I stayed home since it is typically my day of rest. I take Fridays as me days. I only have 1 German class and so after that it's all me. Anyway Saturday my sisters came and got me and I spent all day with them and then Mel took me so I could go food shopping and then we came back to my house and hung out for a few hours. Cause she wanted her nails done, and I know how to do them in acrylic. So while she put on her tips I cleaned the cat litter box, swept and mopped my kitchen and entry hall floors and cleaned up the kitchen a little.

Since Mel has terrible anxiety attacks when she drives home alone I went home with her and we sneaked me into her room so I could stay with her. It was fun playing like I was my little sister Candi. This morning I sneaked back out and we went and did some house shopping and had a good day running around.

Now I'm back at home finishing my laundry and house work.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Things are looking up

Things are starting to look up I know that it's been a while since I posted but I hope to make this an everyday thing or weekly.. anyway spring is here and I feel like things are looking up. The other day I was asked to participate in a program my school puts on called Academic Excellence Showcase. It is a program that showcases student's work though out the year such as papers, research projects and class projects. You have to be nominated by a professor and it is a huge honor. I am excited cause I will be reading two of the poems that I wrote for a German project. Of course they are in German and I will try to put up the video on here.

Yesterday my roommate gave me a present.. It was a Bible. I had told her that I didn't have one and so she bought me one. I will put a picture below. She also wrote me a great message. The message says:

"May the words of this book come alive for you as you need it, May the God of truth reveal himself to you through the word of truth."