Saturday, January 24, 2015

Sad news

My family was all a twitter on the the account of a new baby arriving.. the only problem?  My sister who lives at home with my step mom was having said baby, it was a unplanned pregnancy, the boyfriend is an ass, and she never told my step mom. My sister told all of us girls, that she was pregnant,and when her boyfriend  refused to go to the first ultra sound I stepped in and offered to attend every appointment  and class, and agreed to be her birthing partner. At this point I really feel that she was going to tell her mom but it was an extremely  sad day as we found out she will not be having this baby.  What do you say to someone who just lost their future.. I'm sorry, I love you, at least you won't have to tell Mom. I  was stunned and not sure what to say. She was understandably  upset but she didn't cry or shout or do anything except carry on her partying ways. I still feel so badly for her. She is in pain and nothing can ease that kind of upset. I am at a loss of what to do for her but help her grieve and start a new. I am torn up as well and feel an overwhelming  depression  setting in.

Marriage, Honeymoon, and what happens after.

The Wedding was amazing! Hectic but amazing. I was ready when we left to go on our honeymoon. I will include a slide show or something so you can all see. For our honeymoon we went to Ireland, London, and New York. It was an amazing trip and a world wind. I was also very ready to come home when we were on our way back. I missed my kitties. I can't believe that I'm married now. To be honest  though, it really isn't all that everyone cracks it up to be. I mean we still live in the same house, we still sleep in the same bed, we do everything that we did when we were not married but now he can't get away without substantial paperwork.  There are perks we now share health insurance, we are signed on the same accounts, and my husband now gets a discount card for the place I work. Other than that I still haven't changed my name which is proving to be difficult. Some places care others don't but now that I have my certified copies I am working on trying to get it changed. Other than that we are trying to get into better shape, which means trying to eat healthier. If you want to find out more click on Shaping Up Our Lifestyle. Oh and in August we are going to Orlando and to Disney World for my birthday. I'm excited but there is so much to plan between now and then. More to come in the year ahead. I'll be sharing some about Shaping up as well as whats happening in daily life.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Anxiety and wierd Dreams

So we in the beginning of the final strech. I am anxious to be married and wisked away on our honeymoon.  But I keep having wierd dreams about missing the ceremony and reception and everyone waiting for me.. then my dress isnt the right color or the flowers are all wrong... its stressful.  Oh and the girl that was going to do my cake backed out on me.

On a good note though today im going to call aaa and see what they recomend money wise. As well it looks like we have a cake decorator again. So I have to call her too. Anyway we are getting there and tomorrow im hoping to get the laundry done, our lease signed, and most of the deep cleaning done at our house.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Honeymoon is 50% Go!

So I have been working diligently on our honeymoon everything from where we are going to where we will be staying. Of course you cant go on vacation with no place to sleep. So Ireland is completely done. All the places we want to see for sure are planned in and points on our map any extras are impromptu adventures.  Which is ok cause you can't plan EVERYTHING. As much as you may try there is always something that won't happen the way you planned it to. So Ireland is done to my satisfaction but London and part of New York are still left we do though have places to sleep so one thing done and just over two months left.

I have also been trying to wrap my head around how we are going to get and or use money while we are out of the country.  I talked to the several banks who have just instructed me to just use an atm to pull money out and use it as we go cause travelers checks are going the way of the dinosaurs.  But fees do apply. I don't want to carry all our money onto a plane because I don't trust people I just don't know what to do. Any advice?

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Enjoying the start of Summer and some Updates.

So from way back in January.. wow. So it's June six months later.. Sad that I have been unable to keep up with this but today starts anew. Today is my day off and I am sitting on our little porch enjoying the start to summer. We have been so busy the past few months with getting ready to get married and getting ready to leave to go on our honeymoon. The good news is we submitted our passports last month so any day now we should be getting them back. We are so excited to go but there is so much left to do. Today I realized that in 71 days we are getting hitched. Which lead me to make plans for getting our marriage license. I just have to get it three days before our wedding but not over 90 days. I'm excited tomorrow I am sending Save the Dates, and next week my invitations should be done so I will send those out the following week and hopefully have my RSVPs back by July 31st. SO MUCH TO DO IN SO LITTLE TIME.

Jeff and I are also experimenting with a new budgeting system. We are both really bad with our money so my hope is that this will give us BOTH the ability to do budgeting. In the past we have given up on budgeting because it was such a hassle and one or the other of us was the only one doing it, and that really wasn't fair. The hope is that this will be a better way of doing things.

Workouts are non-existent at this point in out lives even though we have a gym membership and do like going. We just never seem to have the time to go right now. Hopefully we can go more in the future but I think I might just start working out at home for the moment. I am thinking of keeping track on here and just making a different page for it so that I can keep up with posting as well as keeping up with other things. We will see how that goes. For now I and just happy to be here and excited to go away.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Food Saving for my Hubby.

So I bought a Food Saver so that I could make good meals for Jeff. He has been all over me about saving money and not letting food go to waste, but since I live at his mom's most of the time I figured I would do something about this and at the same time make fast meals that he can just reheat easily.So I made a lot of fajitas and food savered a bunch of them and froze them as well as some chicken noodle soup and beef stew. So we will see what he says about them. I am looking for recipes for things to food save and I will make an update about this post later

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Hell and Back- a fight with David's Bridal

So after I picked up my dress, which I just took over to my sister's house, the Assistant Manager from David's Bridal called and told me that they put the wrong slip and Long bra in with my dress. She was very apologetic and assured me that they had already ordered the right ones and would call me when they got them. Well finally I got the call and was told I could come pick them up so I did so and took my sister who is also my maid of honor. So when I got there the girl at the front desk asked why I was there and I explained and she told me they didn't do exchanges, to which I said "For me you do." Which makes me feel very self important but she was kinda mean anyway. So she looked up my account and went and got the ones that were held for me. Then she wanted to know if I wanted to try them on, and I was kinda in a hurry and said no I would try them on at home. First she told me that if I didn't try on my stuff there they would not exchange them because they only allow one exchange. Then she wanted to know if I was going to need to see one of my bride's maid dresses before I bought them....

(Deep Breath) I have to explain that this is not the only problem I have had with this store. When I was buying my dress they wouldn't take the check Jeff had written me, no explanation, So I brought a different check one that was a starter check from another account, to which the same girl that was at the desk, Accused me of having/ using a fraudulent check. So when I did pay for my dress I did so on my debt card and asked if that was all of it, to which I was told yes.

So I asked for some clarification as to what she was talking about. And she told me that my bridesmaid dresses were not ordered yet.... Long silence and then I lost most of my resolve. I know my sister a little bit of my Bridezilla because she was telling me to take a deep breath and it was going to be ok. So she asked if I had a receipt and I wasn't sure but I went out and looked in my wallet and found one. I was not happy and so the girl called for a manager.

Lora the manager came and made an itemized receipt and my dresses were not there. So she looked up my account and if it couldn't get any worse they have discontinued my sister's dress in her size..So I told her to pull ALL the dresses that did come in my sister's size because I wanted to see EVERY SINGLE ONE. And that i guessed that since we were going to take ALL this time I would try on my stuff. And then I asked her about they're exchange policy. After a little negotiation she agreed that they would exchange them if I needed it before my wedding, because it was their fault that I had to exchange them the first time. So my sister tried on the dress that my little sister is wearing and it looked so much better on her than the other one did so we bought it instead.

All in all a very frustrating day at David's bridal. I still need my veil though so we will see what happens next time.