Saturday, January 24, 2015

Sad news

My family was all a twitter on the the account of a new baby arriving.. the only problem?  My sister who lives at home with my step mom was having said baby, it was a unplanned pregnancy, the boyfriend is an ass, and she never told my step mom. My sister told all of us girls, that she was pregnant,and when her boyfriend  refused to go to the first ultra sound I stepped in and offered to attend every appointment  and class, and agreed to be her birthing partner. At this point I really feel that she was going to tell her mom but it was an extremely  sad day as we found out she will not be having this baby.  What do you say to someone who just lost their future.. I'm sorry, I love you, at least you won't have to tell Mom. I  was stunned and not sure what to say. She was understandably  upset but she didn't cry or shout or do anything except carry on her partying ways. I still feel so badly for her. She is in pain and nothing can ease that kind of upset. I am at a loss of what to do for her but help her grieve and start a new. I am torn up as well and feel an overwhelming  depression  setting in.

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