Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Enjoying the start of Summer and some Updates.

So from way back in January.. wow. So it's June six months later.. Sad that I have been unable to keep up with this but today starts anew. Today is my day off and I am sitting on our little porch enjoying the start to summer. We have been so busy the past few months with getting ready to get married and getting ready to leave to go on our honeymoon. The good news is we submitted our passports last month so any day now we should be getting them back. We are so excited to go but there is so much left to do. Today I realized that in 71 days we are getting hitched. Which lead me to make plans for getting our marriage license. I just have to get it three days before our wedding but not over 90 days. I'm excited tomorrow I am sending Save the Dates, and next week my invitations should be done so I will send those out the following week and hopefully have my RSVPs back by July 31st. SO MUCH TO DO IN SO LITTLE TIME.

Jeff and I are also experimenting with a new budgeting system. We are both really bad with our money so my hope is that this will give us BOTH the ability to do budgeting. In the past we have given up on budgeting because it was such a hassle and one or the other of us was the only one doing it, and that really wasn't fair. The hope is that this will be a better way of doing things.

Workouts are non-existent at this point in out lives even though we have a gym membership and do like going. We just never seem to have the time to go right now. Hopefully we can go more in the future but I think I might just start working out at home for the moment. I am thinking of keeping track on here and just making a different page for it so that I can keep up with posting as well as keeping up with other things. We will see how that goes. For now I and just happy to be here and excited to go away.

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