Sunday, July 25, 2010

Another day in Paradise

Today I am very tired I work nights but last night was especially bad. I think I am having major allergies and one of the women in one of the cubical pods I was cleaning got some stargazer lilies, which of course made my allergies go out of control and I could smell them 5 pods away. Not what I really wanted to talk about. I actually wanted to tell you about how I think I woke up my neighbors at 4am.

So like I said I work nights. I get off at 4 and get home at like 430. It was suppose to get up to 94 today where I live and I can't sleep in the heat. Luckily I just got back from my parent's house where my step dad gave me their small ac. So at 430 I was putting it into my bedroom window. I could hear them waking up and such when I was completing my task.

Why, you may ask, is this so funny? To answer this question I have to tell you another story. I know I am odd and that I keep weird hours. I knock down weeds in my back yard in the evening when it is cooler. The other day I was doing just this and dead heading my roses cause I am thinking about doing something amazing with my tiny back yard. While I was gardening my neighbor, whose window looks into my back yard, was watching me. Not doing dishes, not getting a glass of water, watching me intently while I was dead heading my roses, listening to music and earlier while I was weeding. Can you be any more creepy?! Therefore I think that it is justified for me to wake his creepy ass up at 430.

It was amazing to have the ac while I was sleeping.

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