Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Food Saving for my Hubby.

So I bought a Food Saver so that I could make good meals for Jeff. He has been all over me about saving money and not letting food go to waste, but since I live at his mom's most of the time I figured I would do something about this and at the same time make fast meals that he can just reheat easily.So I made a lot of fajitas and food savered a bunch of them and froze them as well as some chicken noodle soup and beef stew. So we will see what he says about them. I am looking for recipes for things to food save and I will make an update about this post later

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Hell and Back- a fight with David's Bridal

So after I picked up my dress, which I just took over to my sister's house, the Assistant Manager from David's Bridal called and told me that they put the wrong slip and Long bra in with my dress. She was very apologetic and assured me that they had already ordered the right ones and would call me when they got them. Well finally I got the call and was told I could come pick them up so I did so and took my sister who is also my maid of honor. So when I got there the girl at the front desk asked why I was there and I explained and she told me they didn't do exchanges, to which I said "For me you do." Which makes me feel very self important but she was kinda mean anyway. So she looked up my account and went and got the ones that were held for me. Then she wanted to know if I wanted to try them on, and I was kinda in a hurry and said no I would try them on at home. First she told me that if I didn't try on my stuff there they would not exchange them because they only allow one exchange. Then she wanted to know if I was going to need to see one of my bride's maid dresses before I bought them....

(Deep Breath) I have to explain that this is not the only problem I have had with this store. When I was buying my dress they wouldn't take the check Jeff had written me, no explanation, So I brought a different check one that was a starter check from another account, to which the same girl that was at the desk, Accused me of having/ using a fraudulent check. So when I did pay for my dress I did so on my debt card and asked if that was all of it, to which I was told yes.

So I asked for some clarification as to what she was talking about. And she told me that my bridesmaid dresses were not ordered yet.... Long silence and then I lost most of my resolve. I know my sister a little bit of my Bridezilla because she was telling me to take a deep breath and it was going to be ok. So she asked if I had a receipt and I wasn't sure but I went out and looked in my wallet and found one. I was not happy and so the girl called for a manager.

Lora the manager came and made an itemized receipt and my dresses were not there. So she looked up my account and if it couldn't get any worse they have discontinued my sister's dress in her size..So I told her to pull ALL the dresses that did come in my sister's size because I wanted to see EVERY SINGLE ONE. And that i guessed that since we were going to take ALL this time I would try on my stuff. And then I asked her about they're exchange policy. After a little negotiation she agreed that they would exchange them if I needed it before my wedding, because it was their fault that I had to exchange them the first time. So my sister tried on the dress that my little sister is wearing and it looked so much better on her than the other one did so we bought it instead.

All in all a very frustrating day at David's bridal. I still need my veil though so we will see what happens next time.