Sunday, February 19, 2012

Around the Water Cooler.

Needless to say I have been neglecting you blog, and I am sorry but I have been working my butt off. I still love you though and thought I would do some posting this afternoon. I want to talk about several things but the one that is most on my mind at the moment is the Dad that used facebook to teach a lesson to his daughter. (  I know it's blowing up the internet at the moment and I am not helping but I was reading the comments and was astonished by the amount of people who were so.....negitve. Many of them were insinuating that he was a bad drunk, and that he wasn't setting a good example for this daughter, so on and so forth.

I say 'Way to go!" In today's world parents are very restricted in their ability to disapline/punish their children. This does kinda go back to things we have talked about in the past. I have to say that in a world of computers, Iphones, and several different types of technology it can be hard to monitor what your children say, who they talk to, and what goes on in the wild blue yonder of the interwebs. I don't think that this was an overreaction because this girl had already gotten in trouble for something similar.