Thursday, January 12, 2012

Breastfeeding- Back in the spotlight.

While I was waiting for the computer tonight to write my blog for Wednesday my little sister Candi called for us to hear this story on Yahoo about breastfeeding and wanting it to be on Sesame Street as a healthy, natural way for babies to be fed. ( While most of the article was about thoughts and opinions on the subject my other sister Melissa requested that this be the spotlight of my Wednesday Blog. So this one is for you Mel.

Let me take you back to yester-year when I was a child. This issue had just really hit it's hay-day. I was probably in my early years 7-10 and I remember my parents and my friend's parents talking about it. People were out raged by such a menial thing that it was banned almost everywhere and seen as gross or disgusting. I think this is really interesting since in today's society it is ok to see women with pasties on their breasts. Somehow though we seem to think that mothers need to whisked away in a room secluded from everyone else. Breasts are FOR this purpose, "for babies not men" as Mel was saying. I don't think that putting a negitive conotation on this is good. I think that women should be free to breastfeed in public places but I also believe there is a way of doing it that does make it easier for others to handle.