Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Why is Getting High Cheaper than Going to the Movies?

Recently I have noticed that getting high is so much cheaper than going to the movies. For $20 you can buy a dub and get 4-5 people high but to take that many people to the movies you pay almost if not more than $100.
 $8.00 for 4 tickets= $32.00
$6.00 for 2 combo popcorn and sodas=$12.00
TOTAL= $44.00
 This is not including the gas to get there and back and any extras.

Getting high is also cheaper than bowling. The only thing that I can think of that would be cheaper is if you rented movies and then they couldn't be  new releases.

It is no wonder that kids these days smoke pot till their brains' rot it's the cheapest form of entertainment.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas is Right Around the Corner and I Have a Date!

So let me start off this blog by apologizing I have been uber busy working lately, and not posting. Who knew that temping could be so busy?! So I apologize and I will start posting regularly again. So the schedule will not change Wednesdays will still be the day.

Update Time!: I have been working like crazy lately and all graveyard. I think it's starting to drive some people a little mad. Mostly because I have no idea what day it is and I keep referring to days not as I run into them but more on my sleeping schedule. Oh well.  Jeff also has been working like crazy, usually opposite shifts. I feel like I haven't seen him in a while.

I am especially excited cause tomorrow I have a date with Jeff. Not that we haven't like gone and got dinner but it has been a lot of not so date type things like grabbing dinner if we are out, mostly to go things. Tomorrow we are actually going to go out to dinner and a movie. I really wanted to go see Sherlock Holmes and so Jeff is taking me tomorrow night since we both don't have to work. This is like the first real date I have ever been on. YAY!

I am Super excited cause Christmas is just around the corner. As I am writing I am listening to chrismas carols.  I still have soooo much shopping to do. Not that I don't shop for people during the year, but this year I haven't had the money to do so. Jeff and I have decided that we are going to go half and half on gifts cause the girls have decided that this year they would like gift cards so they can go buy pants and stuff they need. This way they get more money to work with.  This is not to say that I think Christmas is about the gifts cause it totally isn't I LOVE Christmas cause it is a time to be around my family and friends. Especially after the past three weeks I could really use the reconnect. I miss them.

Things to come:

More blogging! Different blogging! More Ranting... I'm sure. So regular Blogs every Wednesday. I would like to do a new blogtype thing on other things like crafting maybe on a different day. I am also thinking I mights start writing and posting it here on another connected page. Currently I have realized that I can do several different pages on the same blog making this more of a website than a blog.Yay for homepagieness!

Wishing you all the brightest of holiday wishes. I am off to my last day of work this week.