Friday, September 9, 2011

"I think I'm going to die!" and Updates!

I realize that I have a tendency to be a smidgen theatrical when it comes to my titles, but it really is one of those things that you will come to know and love about me. So much has happened in the last couple of months. I know I keep promising to keep my blog updated and I am going to do it again. I will not let it go so long. My goal is to get up a Blog post at least once a week probably on Wednesdays. Just for future reference. If I post more than that then "YAY ME!" If that's the schedule I keep to then "Wahooo!" It's going to work I know I can do it.

I mentioned before that I was going to take a flagging class, and I did. It was good shorter than usual but still 6 1/2 hours long. It's really not that hard of a class at least not with The Evergreen Safety Counsel, which is who does flagging courses in Astoria. They have a book and you go through the finer points of the flagging procedure for like 8 hours. And then you take an open book test that the instructor totally let us talk out our answers if we wanted too, which we did. There were only 3 people in my class. It was actually pretty good. Since then I have had a couple of jobs and not much else

I have recently started to get on a healthier kick for life type thing. I keep failing, but I keep trying too. So on to "I think I'm going to die" thing I went on a 4.36 mile walk with the dog today. I really just wanted to walk a little farther than I was walking. I actually ended up going 2x as far as I usually do. But it was nice and sunny and I didn't get ran over so that is good.  I have been trying to eat healthier but it is hard to get my mom to make half of the stuff fruit or veggies. I would think she would embrace it because my step dad has diabetes. It is not like Grizz is totally excepting of things that are good for him. So I try to make healthier choices out of what is served.

I just finished the first "Thirst" Book by Christopher Pike and it was really good. I really didn't like the way he wrote at first but after reading the first three stories I really want to read the next book. Now I am reading "Marked" by PC Cast and Kristin Cast. I have heard that the "House of Night" Series is good but I have only read page 1. Hopefully I like them. I really want to. I am noticing that my current literature taste is leaning toward Vampires. Possibly because I  am thinking of writing a story with vampires in it.

Anyway I am going to bed now. Hope you all have a great night.