Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I hope you all had a good 4th of July. I had a pretty great one with my family, we had a special dinner and went down to the Columbia River and watched the fireworks that were in Astoria as well as all the mortars that were going off all around us. I am finally on the down swing of being sick, Although I think I am allergic to the type of soap my parents have. I also made plans with my parents to move back home.

The reason I thought it would be a good choice at the moment is 1.I don't have a job 2. I have no prospective roommates. Sometimes we just need to take time to get back to basics. I think it would be good to get my life all collected and back on track. I really want to have something that I could make money at while I go to college. So I am going to take some time and get my life squared away.

On the 16th I am going to take a flagging class so that I can work and get a little money. That way I can buy the parts so I can fix my truck. Then I am going to try and learn some upholstery. Hopefully I can at least do my step-dad's seats in his project car.  I am kinda excited to move home.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Home at Last!

So I have been sick but I am feeling much better now. I'm up and moving I even took a little walk after dinner today.

Yesterday my Stepdad called and asked if I wanted to come home for the 4th of July, and I said yes. So now I am at my Parents' house in Washington. I am so excited to be here. I love coming home. It always seems that my stress and fears melt away when I am here. There is just so much peacefullness here. Really if there is any better place on earth God kept it for himself. My parents live in a very small town on the Columbia River, and it is beautiful!.

Hope you all have a great weekend.