Friday, April 15, 2011

Back from break

Yes I know I have been away for a little while but I am back now and better than ever, well kinda. For the most part I am back. I went home for spring break and saw my parents. It was great. I got to spend some quality time with my mom and everyone. Since I have come home I have had difficulties with my roommate.

How she ever became a teacher I will never know because she sucks at communicating. It seems to me that every time she should just say something she doesn't until to becomes a thorn and then when she confronts me she acts like it's been a long time coming.  I was raised in a home where my Momma wasn't a mind reader! If you had a problem or you needed something you said something. I can't fix something I don't know is happening.

Anyway other than the miniscule thing with my roommate a new term has started and it seems to be going alright. I will post some pictures of my trip so you can see Oregon and everything.





