Friday, August 27, 2010

Updates and Outdates.

So I have been working for a while and while I still think it blows I am appreciative to have a job and now Food Stamps. I have a new roommate who I like. She is uber religious but a fabulous cook and an interesting person to boot. I have been working a little bit on my writing but it really isn't going anywhere. Well it will but I have been working so much I really don't have tons of time to spend on it. So it is going but slowly.

My plans for yesterday and today and tomorrow have been foiled yet again by work. It is okay because I know that I have 3 days off next week in which I am probably going home. Maybe, it is tentative at this point. I just signed my award letter for next year so Yay me I has money for school next year!

Things I am thinking about doing at this point are 1) Study abroad- London  2) Planning a trip to Silver falls like after the 5th.