Thursday, June 24, 2010


School has ended on a sweet yet sour note. My grades were... alright. Not great but not horrible either. But now I am out and starting summer. My sisters have stayed a couple of times so I am not here alone. We have had a blast so far. I am hopefully going to start a job next week so that will be fun. Hopefully I can get some stuff taken care of like getting my phone turned back on and such. Any who that's my update.

Missing you consistantly

Every time I turn around there is something that reminds me of someone I know or have known. I realize that that sentence in it's self is a tangled web, but I miss the people that are closest to me in my life. My mom for instance. I am a college student that has for the past three years gone home to spend whole summers with her, and now for the first time I am living on my own. I miss her because every time I turn around there is something that reminds me of just how far away she is. And I am stuck because when I think of family I think of my Grandparents who have always encouraged me to be independent and am reminded that in the fall it will be one year since my Grandfather passed away.

I feel like there is so much sadness in my life that I just can't get past. I want to be free of it, but know that I never can be. There is such sorrow in words unsaid and covered with a mask of undying pain that it is just easier to put on a foundation of happiness so people won't worry and such.